The best of Jesse Livermore investment philosophy

“The best of Jesse Livermore investment philosophy”, highlighting Livermore’s approach to speculation and market success.

1. Speculation: A Calculated Business, Not Gambling:

Livermore vehemently differentiates speculation from gambling: “Speculation is a business, not a gamble.” He emphasizes meticulous planning, risk management, and understanding market psychology. Successful speculation, according to Livermore, relies on “correct anticipation of coming events” and capitalizing on the “psychological effect that certain expected news will have upon the mind of the public.”

2. Time and Patience: The Cornerstones of Profit:

Livermore stresses the importance of patience and timing in trading. “Time is the most important element in stock trading,” he states, rejecting the idea of constant trading. Instead, he advocates for identifying opportune moments and maximizing gains: “As long as a stock is acting right and the market is right, do not be in a hurry to take a profit.”

3. The Primacy of Market Action over Personal Opinion:

Livermore dismisses the significance of personal opinions in the face of market trends: “Do not trust your opinions… but let the action of the market confirm your opinions.” He emphasizes the absolute authority of the market: “Markets are never wrong. Opinions are.”

4. Risk Management: The Key to Long-Term Success:

Protecting capital is paramount in Livermore’s philosophy. He advocates for swift loss minimization: “Speculators insure themselves against large losses by taking the first small loss.” This approach safeguards against emotional decision-making and preserves capital for future opportunities.

5. Focus and Concentration: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Diversification:

Livermore advises against spreading investments too thinly: “Concentrate in one jackpot at a time. Do not try to have an interest in more than one.” This focused approach allows for dedicated analysis and minimizes the risk associated with multiple positions.

6. The Illusion of Investment: Recognizing the Speculative Nature of Markets:

Livermore challenges the traditional dichotomy between investment and speculation: “There are no investments. There is only speculation.” This perspective underscores his belief that all market participation involves anticipating future price movements, regardless of the holding period.

7. Building Wealth Through Consistent Profits:

Livermore emphasizes the importance of consistent profitability from the outset: “Real money in speculating is made when you show a profit in your operations right from the start…” This focus on early success highlights the importance of a sound strategy and disciplined execution.

8. The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Losses:

Livermore highlights a crucial psychological aspect of trading: “Profits always take care of themselves, but losses never do.” This emphasizes the danger of inaction when facing losses, as emotional attachment can lead to further detrimental decisions.


Jesse Livermore’s investment philosophy centers around a disciplined, analytical approach to speculation. He stresses patience, risk management, and aligning oneself with market trends over personal biases. His insights provide valuable lessons for traders and investors seeking to navigate the complexities of the market and achieve consistent profitability.