Navigating New Horizons: How Just Salad, Sweetgreen, and CAVA Are Redefining Fast Casual Dining

In an economic climate where many sectors face uncertainty, the fast-casual dining industry is not just surviving; it’s thriving, with chains like Just Salad, Sweetgreen, and CAVA leading the way. These companies are carving out significant niches in the increasingly competitive salad and bowl market, demonstrating robust growth in both sales and store counts.

The Fast-Casual Surge

The rise of Just Salad, a New York-based chain, is particularly noteworthy. Despite its relative youth, having been founded less than two decades ago, Just Salad saw a remarkable 87.5% jump in same-store sales last year, with only a 25% increase in the number of locations. This growth is impressive, especially when juxtaposed with its more established peers, Sweetgreen and CAVA, which also reported substantial growth.

Strategic Expansion and Innovation

CAVA, originating from Washington D.C., saw a 59.8% increase in same-store sales and a 30.4% rise in locations in 2023. The chain’s successful public offering in June of the same year has undoubtedly played a role in this growth, providing the capital necessary to expand and innovate further. Sweetgreen, too, has enjoyed success with a significant initial public offering in 2021, underscoring the market’s appetite for high-quality salad and bowl options.

Differentiation Through Diversification

What sets these chains apart is their strategic approach to expansion and customer engagement. Just Salad, for instance, is making inroads into suburban markets—a move its competitors made earlier during the pandemic. This geographical diversification is likely to capture a new customer base looking for premium fast-casual dining options outside urban centers.

Technological Advances and Operational Efficiency

Innovation is at the forefront of these chains’ strategies. Sweetgreen has been particularly successful with its Infinite Kitchens concept, which features automated makelines. This technology not only speeds up service but has also improved profit margins and average check sizes significantly. Just Salad is not far behind, planning to introduce its first drive-thru location in New Jersey, with more in the pipeline. This move could redefine convenience in the fast-casual segment, making healthy options more accessible.

Embracing the Drive-Thru Model

CAVA has already established dozens of drive-thru locations and plans to expand further using a strategic deployment model dubbed the “coastal smile strategy.” This approach has proven effective, allowing the chain to penetrate new markets efficiently. Sweetgreen has also developed a drive-thru prototype, though it has yet to announce specific plans for construction.

The Role of Off-Premises Dining

As off-premises dining continues to grow, all three chains have adapted by enhancing their infrastructure to support both in-store and external sales efficiently. Just Salad’s new prototype, for example, features a separate makeline for drive-thru orders, indicating a shift towards accommodating the booming demand for takeout and delivery options.

Traffic Trends and Future Prospects

Despite the broader industry challenges, foot traffic statistics from show that Sweetgreen and CAVA have experienced significant increases in visitor numbers, a trend that is rare in today’s market. This suggests that their brand appeal and operational strategies are resonating well with consumers.


The trajectory of Just Salad, Sweetgreen, and CAVA highlights a dynamic evolution within the fast-casual industry. By leveraging innovative technologies, expanding strategically, and continuously adapting to consumer preferences, these chains are not only setting the pace but are also well-positioned for sustained growth. As they redefine what it means to be a leader in the fast-casual sector, they offer a compelling blueprint for others in the industry. The future looks promising, and the runway for upscale fast-casual dining appears long and ripe with opportunity.